Tuesday Nov 9, 6:30pm PST I'll be reading alongside Kalehua Kim and Sondra Segundo. The virtual reading will take place over Zoom and is free. This reading is in partnership with Hugo House and produced with support from Potlatch Fund. "We the Indigenous" is curated by DA Navoti.
Sondra Segundo is an activist, a published author, artist and composer/singer of the Haida language. She is an educator and has worked in schools and programs throughout the Northwest, teaching art and sharing her books and songs. Her community activism lead her to building non-profit organization, Haida Roots, which focuses on Haida language education and preservation.
Kalehua Kim is a poet living in the Seattle area. Born of Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino and Portuguese descent, her multicultural background informs much of her work. A finalist for the James Welch Prize for Indigenous Poets, her poems have appeared in Poetry Northwest, Belletrist, Panoply, and ‘Ōiwi, A Native Hawaiian Journal.
D.A. Navoti is a member of the Gila River Indian Community and a multidisciplinary storyteller and writer. His artistic work spans across three “landscapes” — written, musical, and visual — a hybrid form that explores what it means to be Indigenous in the 21st century. His literary work has appeared in Homology Lit, Spartan, Indian Country Today, Cloudthroat, and elsewhere. He was a 2020 Radical Imagination grant recipient from the NDN Collective and a 2020 CityArtist from the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture. He founded and curates We the Indigenous, a West Coast literary series, and founded Wellness-ish-ness: a blog for creative hot messes.